
Pet Healthcare


Pioneers of pet medicare

Pioneers of pet medicare

In never-done-before surgical procedures in India, trail blazing veterinarians are placing hip implants and aortic valves in dogs, cats and birds

09 June,2024 07:47 AM IST | Mumbai | Debjani Paul
MaxPetZ's CEO shares insights by shaping the evolving landscape of pet

MaxPetZ's CEO shares insights by shaping the evolving landscape of pet

The pet healthcare/diagnostics industry is poised for significant growth, aligning with rising pet ownership and evolving trends.

09 February,2024 06:56 PM IST | MUMBAI | BrandMedia
50 per cent of Indian pet parents prefer online vet consultations: Study

50 per cent of Indian pet parents prefer online vet consultations: Study

The study emphasises pet care challenges faced by Indian pet parents and the significance of online veterinary health consultations

04 December,2023 10:06 AM IST | Mumbai | mid-day online correspondent

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