
Dr Mazda Turel


The surgical food

The surgical food

A gentleman who proclaimed that he lived to eat shaved off 10 kg and a tumour. Are we really what we eat?

23 June,2024 06:51 AM IST | Mumbai | Dr Mazda Turel
The surgical proposal

The surgical proposal

What health boxes should a prospective life partner tick before you decide to marry? And is there a cure for a disease called incompatibility?

09 June,2024 06:32 AM IST | Mumbai | Dr Mazda Turel
The surgical devotion

The surgical devotion

A couple unable to imagine their lives away from each other challenge death and destiny

26 May,2024 06:56 AM IST | Mumbai | Dr Mazda Turel
Mumbai neurosurgeon's bold approach saves patient from tumour in nasal cavity

Mumbai neurosurgeon's bold approach saves patient from tumour in nasal cavity

The patient initially presented with persistent headaches, nosebleeds, and bulging eyes—a distressing combination of symptoms that signalled a severe underlying condition

15 May,2024 11:57 AM IST | Mumbai | mid-day online correspondent
The surgical love

The surgical love

One woman’s touching and riveting tale of the groundbreaking procedure her child went through

12 May,2024 06:52 AM IST | Mumbai | Dr Mazda Turel
The surgical boundary

The surgical boundary

Should you call a surgeon on his private number after work hours? Should s/he feel compelled to respond to your Whatsapp? Here’s looking at phone etiquette in matters of life and death

28 April,2024 03:16 AM IST | Mumbai | Dr Mazda Turel
The surgical wound

The surgical wound

Redoing what you thought you did perfectly can be an invitation for ego wear-and-tear and gossip. Here’s why this should not apply to reopening packed-up wounds, and other wisdom from the OT

14 April,2024 06:03 AM IST | Mumbai | Dr Mazda Turel
The surgical guru

The surgical guru

One of India’s trendiest, most popular spiritual leaders has the golden chance to raise awareness around SDH and timely medical intervention. Will he?

31 March,2024 06:52 AM IST | Mumbai | Dr Mazda Turel
The non-surgical tragedy

The non-surgical tragedy

The best surgeons in the world lose to the universe sometimes. And they don’t know why. This story is about mysterious deaths doctors cannot explain

17 March,2024 06:52 AM IST | Mumbai | Dr Mazda Turel
The (non) surgical healing

The (non) surgical healing

A trip to an ashram to see an energy enhancement system served as a reminder—of the limits of scientific knowledge, and the mystery of our consciousness

03 March,2024 04:06 AM IST | Mumbai | Dr Mazda Turel

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