'Not peaked yet'

14 June,2024 07:16 AM IST |  New Delhi  |  IANS

Despite winning multiple competitions, including the World Championships and Olympics, India’s javelin star Neeraj Chopra believes his best is yet to come

Neeraj Chopra. Pic/PTI

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Olympic champion Neeraj Chopra feels that he has not achieved his best result in the javelin throw despite winning multiple medals in the sport.

Indian star athlete exhibited the basics of throwing a javelin to Dinesh Karthik on JioCinema's Get Set Gold, where he also showed his personable side by discussing some of his off-court interests such as his hobbies, favourite movies, and the kind of music he listens to before competing.

World U-20 throw special

Neeraj shared how his throw in the World Under-20 Championships 2016, is the only throw he has been satisfied with. "To date, I am only satisfied with one throw of mine, which was 86.48m in the World Under-20 Championships 2016. That was one throw where I felt it was a special, unique one, but I have not been satisfied with any throw since. I feel I haven't got to my peak yet; I have won gold and won a lot of competitions, but I still believe I have not reached my best and I am not satisfied with my throw yet," he said.

The 2023 World Champion opened up on his hobbies, including a short-lived habit of shopping that led to a complicated overseas purchase.

‘Shopping, a waste of money'

"I have many hobbies. I like hanging out with my friends. I also liked shopping a lot, but now I shop less because it feels like a waste of money. We can spend that money elsewhere. I like collecting unique things. I once went past a shop in Germany that had unique art pieces. I liked a statue of a warrior sitting on a horse, throwing a spear, more like throwing a javelin, so I bought it without even thinking. It was of 20kgs. Later, I thought, ‘How will I take it to India?' Finally, a brother of mine managed it," said the javelin star.

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