Boxing: Lovlina settles for silver in Grand Prix

16 June,2024 07:07 AM IST |  New Delhi  |  PTI

The Paris Olympic-bound Borgohain lost by a 2-3 split verdict in her final bout against the reigning Asian Games champion late on Saturday night

Lovlina Borgohain

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Tokyo Olympics bronze medallist boxer Lovlina Borgohain lost to China's Li Qian to settle for a silver medal in the women's 75kg contest at the Grand Prix Usti nad Labem in the Czech Republic. The Paris Olympic-bound Borgohain lost by a 2-3 split verdict in her final bout against the reigning Asian Games champion late on Saturday night.

Qian, who is a two-time Olympic medallist and has a three World Championships medals, including a gold under her belt, had defeated Borgohain in the summit clash of the Asian Games last year. Lovlina said this will hold her in good stead going into the Paris Olympics.

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