Protests in Kenya against proposed taxes

22 June,2024 07:40 AM IST |  Nairobi  |  Agencies

Protesters, who began their demonstrations in a first round on Tuesday, are demanding that lawmakers vote against the legislation, which is expected to cause additional financial burden.

Protesters in the streets of Nairobi on Thursday. Pic/AP

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Thousands demonstrated Thursday in Kenya's capital and across the country against new tax proposals by the administration of President William Ruto in its annual budget legislation.

The protests brought Nairobi's central business district to a standstill as horse-riding riot police fired tear-gas and water cannons on demonstrators who advanced towards parliament buildings, where lawmakers debated the finance bill.

Protesters, who began their demonstrations in a first round on Tuesday, are demanding that lawmakers vote against the legislation, which is expected to cause additional financial burden.

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