Israel releases ‘proof’ that slain charity worker was a militant

28 June,2024 08:29 AM IST |  Tel Aviv  |  Agencies

Says he was a significant operative in the Islamic Jihad group’s rocket program

Photos of Fadi al-Wadiya (circled) wearing the terror group’s uniform, released by the Israeli army. Pics/X

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The Israeli military released photos on Thursday that it says show a staffer with the aid group Doctors Without Borders wearing military fatigues at a gathering of Gaza militants.

The military says that Fadi al-Wadiya, who was killed in an airstrike earlier this week, was a "significant operative" in the Islamic Jihad group and was involved in its rocket programme.

Relatives and supporters of Israeli hostages protest in Tel Aviv. Pic/AFP

Doctors Without Borders, known by its French acronym MSF, did not respond to a request for comment on the photos, which were released late Wednesday. The aid group said earlier that it had no indication he was a militant.

Indian-origin activist charged

Three women, including an Indian-origin activist, were charged in court for organising a procession that delivered letters to the presidential palace in support of the Palestinian cause.

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