Meghan says JLo is a deeply unpleasant person

10 June,2024 06:25 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  Agencies

She had the biggest entourage I’ve ever seen [when she was on The View]. More than Kim Kardashian and the president

Meghan McCain and Jennifer Lopez

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Meghan McCain is the latest to join the Jennifer Lopez hate club. In a recent episode of her and Miranda Wilkins' podcast, Citizen McCain, the television personality said that the I'm real singer was "deeply unpleasant" when they interacted on The View.

She told a publication, "I, too, share similar negative stories that the entire world does. I feel bad because we're turning a point where there's bullying happening to JLo." McCain further added, "She just is a deeply unpleasant person. She had the biggest entourage I've ever seen [when she was on The View]. More than Kim Kardashian and the president."

Maintaining that she didn't "really understand why it was needed," McCain, 39, alleged that Lopez, 54, had something to do with her TikTok video being "taken down." In the clip, McCain said the Selena star was not her "favourite" guest to have appeared for an interview on The View. "She had our video taken down," she had claimed.

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