Jennifer Lopez prioritizing self-care, family after canceling tour

05 June,2024 11:21 AM IST |  Washington  |  ANI

Amidst this emotional turmoil, sources have revealed to People magazine that Lopez`s marriage with husband Ben Affleck is facing challenges

Jennifer Lopez. Pic/AFP

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In a heartfelt and emotionally charged decision, Jennifer Lopez has announced the cancellation of her highly anticipated summer concert tour, 'This Is Me... Live.'

The singer-actress, known for her unwavering commitment to her career and fans, has taken a step back to prioritize her well-being and family life.

A source close to the artist revealed to People magazine, "Life is a lot right now. As sad as she was to cancel the tour, she's also relieved. She needs to take care of herself."

This personal struggle has led Lopez to make the difficult but necessary choice to recalibrate her life after calling off her upcoming tour.

The decision to cancel the tour was not made lightly. Despite being devastated by the cancellation, Lopez understands the importance of dedicating extra time to herself and her loved ones.

The source further emphasized to People magazine, "The decision was something that her team encouraged. Everyone is supportive of her focusing on family right now."

The 'This Is Me... Live' tour, initially set to kick off in Orlando, Florida, and travel across several major cities, was intended to be a celebration of her latest album and a rebranded greatest hits concert, marking her first tour since 2019's 'It's My Party' Tour.

However, on May 31, Live Nation announced the tour's cancellation, citing Lopez's need to take time off to be with her children, family, and close friends, as per People magazine.

In a heartfelt message to her fans, Lopez expressed her deep remorse, stating, "I am completely heartsick and devastated about letting you down. Please know that I wouldn't do this if I didn't feel that it was absolutely necessary."

Despite the setback, she reassured her fans, "I promise I will make it up to you and we will all be together again. I love you all so much. Until next time."

Amidst this emotional turmoil, sources have revealed to People magazine that Lopez's marriage with husband Ben Affleck is facing challenges.

Although the couple has been living under different roofs in Los Angeles, they have come together to prioritize their children's milestones, showcasing a united front at events such as Violet's high school graduation and Sam's basketball game.

Despite the strain on their marriage, Lopez and Affleck remain committed to their family, with one insider describing them as "very family-oriented" and emphasizing their shared priority of putting their kids first as they navigate this difficult period.

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