
7 tips for best oral hygiene


By Sachin Heliya
Published Mar 20, 2023

Here are the seven easiest oral health tips that you can adopt in your day-to-day life:

Brush twice a day

As mentioned earlier, you must brush twice a day, once after waking up and once before going to sleep. This helps in killing all the bacteria in your mouth.

Cleaning Tongue

Just as brushing is important, it is also important to clean your tongue.

Rinse your mouth after each meal

Rinse your mouth after every meal you consume to avoid decaying teeth. Rinsing of the mouth also helps in keeping bad breath at bay.

Toothpaste with fluride

Use toothpaste which contains fluoride as it helps counter tooth decay.

Floss your teeth

Floss daily after brushing. It does not just help in removing minuscule food particles from teeth gaps but also stimulates the gums and reduces plaque.


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Drink water time to time

You must keep drinking water from time to time as it helps in washing out the taste pungent and acidic taste of the foods you consume.

Visit Dentist twice a year

Visit your dentist at least twice a year for cleanings and checkups.

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