Indian men’s archery team lose in quarters

15 June,2024 06:57 AM IST |  Antalya (Turkey)  |  PTI

The loss came as a rude reality check for the Indian Olympic medal hopefuls as they were leading 4-0 after winning first two sets comprehensively

Tarundeep Rai. Pic/Getty Images

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Indian men's archery team of Tarundeep Rai, Dhiraj Bommadevara and Pravin Jadhav followed its women compatriots in failing to secure an Olympic quota from the Final Qualifier and will now have to rely on rankings to qualify for the quadrennial showpiece slated next month.

A day after Indian women suffered a shock defeat to Ukraine in the pre-quarters, the World No. 2 men's team exited in the last-eight stage, going down to Mexico in the shoot-off in a dramatic fashion. The top-seed India lost 4-5 (57-56, 57-53, 55-56, 55-58) (26-26'). The men's team event offered Olympic quotas to the top-three on the podium.

The loss came as a rude reality check for the Indian Olympic medal hopefuls as they were leading 4-0 after winning first two sets comprehensively.

Needing just a draw in the third set to advance, India lost by a point. Both the men's and women's teams can still qualify based on their rankings ahead of the Olympics cut-off date.

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