France president to meet Real’s Perez to discuss Mbappe’s release for Olympics

22 May,2024 06:25 AM IST |  Paris  |  IANS

According to the leading French sports daily L’equipe, Macron will try to persuade Real Madrid president, Florentino Perez, to let Kylian Mbappe play in the 2024 Paris Olympics

Kylian Mbappe

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French president Emmanuel Macron is reportedly hosting Real Madrid chief Florentino Perez for lunch on Tuesday afternoon (CET) for the 120th anniversary of FIFA at the Elysee.

According to the leading French sports daily L'equipe, Macron will try to persuade Real Madrid president, Florentino Perez, to let Kylian Mbappe play in the 2024 Paris Olympics.

This news comes a day after Mbappe threw his farewell party at Parisian restaurant, Gigi. Mbappe's mother was seen exiting the party and was surrounded by reporters with one asking her about her son's next destination to which she reportedly replied, "I think you all know already."

The Paris Olympics will mark the first time the games will be returning to the ‘City of Love' after a century with their last time being in 1924.

Macron has repeatedly emphasized on the importance of these games and is likely wanting to showcase Mbappe, who is one of the most influential athletes of the country.

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