Mitchell Marsh rues missed chances

25 June,2024 06:37 AM IST |  Gros Islet  |  PTI

In a run chase like that, you’re in it if you can keep it at tens (10 runs per over) for as long as possible, but India were too good for us

Mitchell Marsh

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Australian skipper Mitchell Marsh, who was guilty of grassing a sitter and also failed to build on his good start with the bat, conceded that India were better on the day.

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"It's [Monday] India got the better of us. I think over the course of 40 overs there's a lot of small margins, but honestly, India were the better team," he admitted. "We've seen for 15 years what Rohit Sharma can do in that kind of mood, and he got off to an absolute flier. In a run chase like that, you're in it if you can keep it at tens (10 runs per over) for as long as possible, but India were too good for us."

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