Israel-Iran Conflict: From UK PM to German Chancellor, world leaders condemn Iran's attack on Israel

2024-04-24 08:03 PM IST

Amid the Israel-Iran conflict, tensions in the Middle East surged as Iran launched over 200 projectiles at Israel, purportedly in retaliation for a suspected Israeli strike on its consulate in Syria. Iran issued warnings of even stronger actions against Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel pledged both defensive and offensive responses, citing years of preparedness for direct Iranian aggression. Israel claimed to have successfully intercepted 99% of the 300 drones and missiles fired at them. Additionally, Israel urged the UN Security Council to promptly convene and designate Iran`s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization. Meanwhile, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak condemned the Iranian strike as a dangerous escalation and expressed intent to work with allies to de-escalate tensions, seeking meetings with G7 leaders. Amidst the deepening crisis in the Middle East, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other world leaders expressed solidarity with Israel. UN Chief António Guterres and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also condemned the attack. However, amid the Israel-Iran conflict, Iran later announced the conclusion of military operations against Israel, cautioning that US support for Israel could jeopardize American bases in the region, as reported by CNN.

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