‘Terrorist activities likely before China invasion’

17 June,2024 07:45 AM IST |  Taipei  |  Agencies

Yamashita was peaking at a press event in Taipei for the launch of the Chinese-language version of his book on potential Chinese invasion strategies

China’s aircraft carrier Liaoning during a military drill. FILE PIC/X

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Retired Japanese Lieutenant General Hirotaka Yamashita, speculated that ahead of a potential Chinese military invasion of Taiwan, terrorist activities including attempts to assassinate Taiwan's president could occur, Focus Taiwan reported citing CNA.

Yamashita was peaking at a press event in Taipei for the launch of the Chinese-language version of his book on potential Chinese invasion strategies. Yamashita outlined that such terrorist activities might involve planting bombs on presidential vehicles and at major metro stations in Taipei. Yamashita, who previously served as the vice chief of staff of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, based his predictions on various tabletop wargames detailed in his book, as per Focus Taiwan.

Drawing on Japan-North Korea relations, Yamashita said three types of people could carry out attacks in Taiwan: people politically aligned with China, mercenaries, and Chinese who seem to have assimilated with Taiwanese but who secretly engage in spying. Neither Taiwan, Japan nor the US would be able to eliminate the possibility of an attack, Yamashita said.

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