Joe Biden says won’t offer commutation to son Hunter

14 June,2024 07:43 AM IST |  Fasano  |  Agencies

Biden, following the conclusion of a news conference held at the Group of Seven summit of the world’s wealthiest democracies, responded he would not when asked whether he plans to commute the sentence for his son

US President Joe Biden with his son Hunter. File pic/X

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President Joe Biden said on Thursday that he will not use his presidential powers to lessen the eventual sentence that his son Hunter will receive for his federal felony conviction on gun crimes.

Biden, following the conclusion of a news conference held at the Group of Seven summit of the world's wealthiest democracies, responded he would not when asked whether he plans to commute the sentence for his son.

Hunter Biden's sentencing date has not been set, and the three counts carry up to 25 years in prison. Whether Hunter Biden actually serves any time behind bars will be up to US District Judge Maryellen Noreika, who was nominated to the bench by former Republican President Donald Trump.

Biden's remarks came one day after the White House declined to rule out a potential commutation for Hunter Biden. Both the president and the White House have said for months that Biden would not pardon his son.

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