Israeli military strikes Hezbollah arms network deep in Lebanon

12 June,2024 07:38 AM IST |  Tel Aviv  |  Agencies

Target was Hezb logistical reinforcement unit, which helps transport arms

Relatives salute during the funeral of killed Israeli soldier Almog Shalom, in Jerusalem on June 11. PIC/AFP

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The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) reported that overnight Israel Air Force fighter jets attacked a military compound of Hezbollah's Unit 4400 - the logistical reinforcement unit of the terrorist organisation - which serves in transporting weapons to Lebanon and within Lebanon.

In the complex, two centres located in the area of Baalbek in Lebanon's Beqaa Valley, northeast of Beirut were attacked. This is much deeper into Lebanese territory than the areas in southern Lebanon that have been the focus of the fighting in recent months.

In addition, other terrorist targets were attacked in the Aitaroun area in southern Lebanon, including a military site and two military buildings belonging to the terrorist organisation Hezbollah.

UN says war crimes may have been committed during weekend raid

The UN human rights office is citing possible war crimes by Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups in connection with a deadly raid by Israeli forces that freed four hostages over the weekend. Office spokesman Jeremy Laurence expressed concerns about possible violations of rules of proportionality, distinction and precaution by the Israeli forces in Saturday's raid at the urban Nuseirat refugee camp. Palestinian health officials say at least 274 Palestinians, including dozens of women and children, were killed in the operation.

UNSC adopts ceasefire aimed at ending the war in Gaza

The UN Security Council on Monday approved its first resolution endorsing a ceasefire plan aimed at ending the eight-month war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. The US-sponsored resolution welcomes a cease-fire proposal announced by President Joe Biden that the United States says Israel has accepted. It calls on the militant Palestinian group Hamas, which initially said it viewed the proposal "positively", to accept the three-phase plan.

Hamas responded to the adoption by saying it welcomed the resolution and was ready to work with mediators in indirect negotiations with Israel to implement it. The statement was among the strongest from Hamas to date but stressed the group would continue "our struggle" to end the Israeli occupation and work on setting up a Palestinian state.

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