Israel hits dozens of terror targets in Gaza

14 June,2024 07:33 AM IST |  Tel Aviv  |  Agencies

During one of the operations, IDF troops used a drone to identify and strike an armed terrorist

Women walk past destroyed buildings in al-Bureij refugee camp. Pic/AFP

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The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) said that its troops are continuing to operate against terrorist infrastructure and terror operatives in the Gaza Strip. To that end, IDF soldiers are continuing what it described as "intelligence-based, targeted operations" in the area of Rafah.

Over the past day, the forces conducted targeted raids in the area, located weapons, and eliminated several terrorists in close-quarters encounters. During one of the operations, IDF troops used a drone to identify and strike an armed terrorist.

Afterward, an Israel Air Force (IAF) aircraft struck the structure in which the terrorist had been operating. Also, the IAF struck a launch site containing rockets ready to fire toward Israel, while over 10 terrorists, including one who took part in the Oct 7 attack, were killed.

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