Tragic Fire Erupts In Tirshi-Bali Area Of Udhampur, Wildlife & Vegetation Severely Damaged

2024-06-16 06:46 PM IST

A fierce blaze has ravaged Compartment 61 of Tirshi-Bali in the Udhampur Forest Division, resulting in extensive devastation to the area`s biodiversity and greenery. The inferno has consumed numerous trees and plants, posing a significant threat to the region`s wildlife, including a notable population of peacocks and other wild birds and animals. Responding to the crisis, Divisional Forest Officer Navneet Singh highlighted the challenges exacerbated by dry weather and intense heat, leading to five forest fires daily. Urgent efforts are underway to contain the inferno, with Singh urging locals to refrain from burning fields due to the risk of sparking larger fires carried by the wind.

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