‘Keep Weapons In Your Home’, Sadhvi Pragya To Hindus, Kanhaiya Kumar Responds

2022-12-29 03:10 PM IST | Mumbai

BJP Member of Parliament Pragya Singh Thakur urged the Hindu community to keep sharp-edged weapons at their homes in order to protect themselves. The BJP leader said that Hindus have the right to respond to those who attack them and their dignity.

The MP from Bhopal said that people should at least keep knives. She said, "Keep weapons in your homes, if nothing else, at least knives used to cut vegetables, sharp. Don`t know what situation will arise when. Everyone has the right to self-protection. If someone infiltrates our house and attacks us, giving a befitting replay is our right." She was speaking at the Hindu Jagarana Vedike`s South Region annual convention, which was held at Shivamogga in Karnataka on Sunday.

Congress leader Kanhaiya Kumar lashed out at BJP MP Pragya Thakur`s statement while addressing the party`s 138th foundation day in Mumbai. He said, "The one who is a sanyasi will not talk about hatred and the one who talks about hatred cannot be a sanyasi"

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