China calls Taiwan an "inalienable part" after PM Modi responds to Taiwan’s congratulatory message

2024-06-07 12:39 PM IST

India-Taiwan economic partnership has grown significantly in recent years as Taiwan considered India, a critical partner. Global powers including the US, China poured in congratulatory messages to PM Modi for securing 3rd term. Meanwhile, Taiwan also congratulated PM Modi saying it looks forward to expanding "fast-growing" ties between 2 nations. PM Modi responded to the congratulatory message and said that he looks forward to closer ties b/w India-Taiwan. Rattled by the to-and-fro of messages, China called Taiwan an "inalienable part" of its territory. Chinese Embassy in India reiterated that there is only one China and Taiwan is an inalienable part of it. China stressed that India is supposed to recognise and resist Taiwan authorities` political calculations on one-China policy. Meanwhile, US on June 07 reacted to China’s trigger action and said ‘congratulatory messages are normal course of diplomatic business’. Both countries have also signed migration agreement to allow Indian workers to be employed in Taiwanese industries.

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