Ram Rahim seeks another 21-day furlough

14 June,2024 07:38 AM IST |  Chandigarh  |  Agencies

In February, the HC had asked state government not to grant further parole to the Ram Rahim without its permission

Dera Sacha Sauda chief and rape convict Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh. Pic/PTI

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Dera Sacha Sauda chief and rape convict Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh has approached the Punjab and Haryana HC for directions to grant him a 21-day furlough.

In February, the HC had asked state government not to grant further parole to the Ram Rahim without its permission.

Dera chief has sought directions to consider the application for furlough in accordance with the law under the Haryana Good Conduct Prisoner (Temporary Release) Act 2022, mentioning that an application for furlough has already been made, but due to a February 29 stay order that plea has not been considered.

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