CBI probe sought, SC asks Centre, NTA to respond

14 June,2024 07:33 AM IST |  New Delhi  |  Agencies

There have been allegations of question paper leaks in states like Bihar

Members of NSUI stage a protest over the alleged irregularities in NEET 2024 results. Pic/PTI

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In a significant development amid a raging row over the NEET-UG, the Supreme Court on Friday sought responses from the Centre and the NTA on a plea seeking a CBI probe into allegations of question paper leak and other irregularities in the exam.

A vacation bench of justices Vikram Nath and Sandeep Mehta, which was hearing a PIL filed by Hiten Singh Kashyap, also sought responses from the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the Bihar government within two weeks. It said the PIL will also be taken up with other pending ones on July 8, when the top court will start functioning after the summer vacation.

The Centre and the National Testing Agency (NTA) had on Thursday told the Supreme Court they had cancelled the grace marks given to 1,563 candidates who took the examination for admission to MBBS and other such courses. They will have the option to either take a re-test or forgo the compensatory marks awarded to them for the loss of time, the Centre had said.

The examination was held on May 5 across 4,750 centres and around 24 lakh candidates appeared for it. The results were expected to be declared on June 14 but were announced on June 4, apparently because the evaluation of the answer sheets was completed earlier.

There have been allegations of question paper leaks in states like Bihar and other irregularities in the prestigious exam.

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