Nine cars badly damaged as huge tree falls in Malabar Hill; yellow alert issued in Mumbai

2023-06-24 03:45 PM IST | Mumbai

At least nine cars were badly damaged after a huge tree in a residential building collapsed on them in Mumbai on Saturday morning. The incident happened in Mumbai`s Malabar Hill area inside Geetanjali building. Besides cars, a boundary wall of the society was damaged too. Mumbai Fire Brigade (MFB) rushed to the spot. Further details awaited. Meanwhile, the IMD on Saturday issued a yellow alert for Mumbai, predicting heavy rainfall in parts of Maharashtra in the next 4-5 days. As per the weather update issued by IMD at 10 am, light to moderate spells of rain are very likely to occur at Mumbai, Raigad, Thane, and Palghar during the next 3-4 hours.

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