Mumbai: 15-year-old on dad’s two-wheeler hits and kills biker in Mazgaon

24 May,2024 06:46 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  Shirish Vaktania

Teen, his father held after fatal collision; family of deceased demands strict punishment for minor

Neighbours in shock at Irfan Shaikh’s building

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Just days after a Pune minor behind the wheel of an unregistered Porsche killed two youngsters, a 15-year-old from Mazgaon, riding his father's bike, hit and killed a 32-year-old garment businessman on Thursday. The JJ Marg police have taken the minor into custody and sent him to the Dongri Juvenile Justice Board. The cops have also arrested the minor boy's father for giving the bike keys to the boy.

The father told police, "My son used to take my bike for a spin every day in the area. On Thursday morning, I was fast asleep and my son took the bike keys and left home. I didn't know when he had left the house." According to the father, the family told him that the boy had left at 7 am to buy bread from Mazgaon. However, the police believe that the minor boy's father is making up a story as there are many shops in his area selling fresh bread.

Irfan Shaikh, the deceased (right) Amreen Shaikh, sister-in-law of the deceased

The deceased, Irfan Nawabali Shaikh, was a resident of Azad Nagar in Mazgaon. Around 7 am, Shaikh went to buy poha for his family on his bike. The 15-year-old, speeding on his two-wheeler, collided with Shaikh's bike on Nesbitt Bridge in Mazgaon. Both the riders were not wearing a helmet at the time of the collision. Shaikh had gotten married two years ago and was planning to celebrate his second anniversary on June 3. The extended family had also arranged a surprise anniversary celebration for the couple and had invited many family members.

Shaikh's family has demanded the strictest punishment for the minor boy and his parents, who gave the bike keys to the minor, neglecting all rules. Speaking with mid-day, Amreen Shaikh, the sister-in-law of the deceased Irfan, said, "Around 7 am, he was at home. I told him that I was making breakfast for him and the family, but he refused. He told me that he would get poha from Mazgaon. He was extremely fond of food. He left home around 7 am, and at around 7.30 am, we received a call from the police that he had met with an accident."

"When we rushed to the hospital, we found out that he had died. We also found his bike completely crushed. Irfan's bike was hit by the 15-year-old boy who was riding his father's bike. He should receive the strictest punishment for my brother-in-law's death. His father should also be punished, and the police should arrest him. Parents should not give vehicles to their underage kids to prevent such incidents," Amreen added.

Day of the incident

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