Debt-ridden man ends life by jumping into creek in Thane

17 June,2024 07:05 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  Agencies

Fire brigade personal spent over 16 hours searching the creek before locating the body in the waters the next morning

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A 35-year-old debt-ridden man allegedly died by suicide by jumping into a creek in Maharashtra's Thane city, the police said on Sunday.

Bablu Vishwakarma, a resident of Indira Nagar in Wagle Estate area, jumped into the Kharigaon creek in Kalwa from the Saket bridge at around 7 pm on Saturday, Thane Municipal Corporation's disaster management regional chief Yasin Tadvi said.

Search halted at night

After being alerted, fire personnel and the disaster management cell team members launched a search which was halted later at night.

The search resumed at around 7 am on Sunday and the body was located and fished out of the waters after four hours, a police officer said.

The deceased was under a heavy debt and was depressed and hence resorted to the extreme step, a police official said.

The Kalwa police have sent the body for postmortem and as of now registered a case of accidental death, he said.

Did two people jump?

Earlier, the police received information that two people, including a woman, had jumped into the creek from the Saket bridge.

The Kalwa police on Sunday confirmed that only one person jumped into the creek and his body was recovered.

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