Bombay HC refuses stay on nod to 67 shops ahead of Eid

13 June,2024 07:03 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  Agencies

It said the relief was sought belatedly and that no application was filed seeking interim orders against the permission granted.

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The Bombay High Court on Thursday refused to stay the permission granted to 67 private shops and 47 municipal markets in Mumbai to slaughter animals during the Bakr Eid festival.

A division bench of Justice M S Sonak and Justice Kamal Khata noted that it would not be right to grant any relief to the petitioner "on the eve" of the festival. It said the relief was sought belatedly and that no application was filed seeking interim orders against the permission granted.

City-based NGO Jiv Maitri Trust, which works towards the protection and welfare of animals, had challenged a May 29 communication issued by BMC granting nod to the shops and municipal markets for slaughter of animals from June 17 to June 19 for Bakr Eid. The plea said BMC policy earlier had allowed the slaughter only at the Deonar abattoir. It prohibited slaughter at private places.

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