From 156 kg to 87 kg: How this Mumbai-based Parsi couple beat obesity to lead healthy lives again

15 June,2024 02:25 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  mid-day online correspondent

The couple’s journey transcends mere numbers on a scale. The weight loss brought about a renewed sense of hope and happiness in their lives. They began to engage in more family activities, and their relationship strengthened as they supported each other through the process

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Parsi couple Kaynaz and Perseus Ghista were struggling with obesity and its associated health issues. However, their path to wellness not only transformed their physical health but also profoundly impacted their personal and professional lives by showcasing the profound impact of bariatric surgery in their journey.

The wife's journey
In 2017, Kaynaz, weighing 126 kg, sought the expertise of Dr Ramen Goel, bariatric & metabolic surgeon, Wockhardt Hospitals, Mumbai Central. Her weight had been a source of numerous health issues, including joint pain, high blood pressure, and an overall decline in her quality of life. The decision to undergo bariatric surgery was driven by the desire to reclaim her health and vitality.

Surgery and recovery
She underwent gastric bypass surgery, a procedure known for its effectiveness in significant weight loss and improvement in obesity-related conditions. The surgery was successful, and over the course of a year, she experienced a remarkable transformation, shedding weight and regaining her health. Six years post-surgery, she now weighs 94 kg.

Dr Goel commenting on her progress said, "Kaynaz's dedication to following the post-surgery guidelines and making lifestyle changes was truly commendable. It's always inspiring to see patients transform their lives in such a significant way."

Life after surgery
The weight loss brought about a dramatic change in her lifestyle. Activities that were once a struggle became part of her daily routine. Her energy levels soared, allowing her to engage more actively with her family and friends. Professionally, she found a new level of confidence, which was reflected in her work performance and relationships with colleagues.

Reflecting on her journey, Kaynaz commented, "I feel like a completely new person. I can participate in activities with my family and friends without feeling exhausted. My job performance has improved, and I feel more confident every day."

The husband's journey
Inspired by his wife's success, Perseus, who weighed 156 kg, decided to follow suit a year later. His obesity had led to severe sleep apnea, a condition that affected his breathing during sleep.

Surgery and a smooth recovery
Dr Goel performed a similar bariatric procedure on Perseus. Due to his sleep apnea, the team needed to be especially attentive, but their skill and careful monitoring ensured everything went smoothly. Perseus came through the operation safely and began his journey to better health.

Dr Goel added, "His case was particularly challenging due to his severe sleep apnea. We had to act swiftly to manage his oxygen levels during surgery. Thankfully, everything went well, and he made a full recovery."

Recovery and transformation
Post-surgery, the husband's recovery was closely monitored. Over the next six years, he experienced a profound transformation, with his weight dropping to 87 kg.

Sharing his experience, Perseus said, "The surgery was a turning point in my life. Not only did I lose weight, but my sleep apnea also improved drastically. I feel healthier and more energetic than I have in years."

Beyond weight loss

Family and relationships
The couple's journey transcends mere numbers on a scale. The weight loss brought about a renewed sense of hope and happiness in their lives. They began to engage in more family activities, and their relationship strengthened as they supported each other through the process. The bond with their extended family and friends also improved as they could participate more actively in social gatherings and events.

The wife reflects on their relationship, "We've grown closer through this journey. Supporting each other through the ups and downs has strengthened our bond."

Professional impact
Both the husband and wife experienced a boost in their professional lives. The wife's newfound confidence translated into better job performance and opportunities for career advancement. The husband, too, found that his improved health allowed him to work more efficiently and with greater enthusiasm.

Overall well-being
Today, the couple leads a healthy and fulfilling life. They are living testimonials to the positive impacts of bariatric surgery. Their story is a testament to the fact that weight loss surgery is not just about losing weight but about gaining a new lease on life. It's about overcoming health challenges, strengthening personal relationships, and achieving professional goals.

Their story is a perfect example of how bariatric surgery can change lives. It's not just about the physical transformation, but the overall improvement in quality of life. I'm proud to have been a part of their journey.

This journey underscores the profound human impact of weight loss surgery, highlighting how such medical interventions can bring about positive

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