Pooja Hegde shares what outfits she loves to wear to beat the Mumbai heat

18 May,2024 03:45 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  IANS

Pooja, who recently bought a luxurious property in Bandra, shares how she keeps cool during the intense Mumbai heat

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Actress Pooja Hegde, who will be next seen in the upcoming movie ‘Deva' along with actor Shahid Kapoor, has shared her fashion tips for the summer.

Mumbai experiences one of its hottest months in May, with high humidity. Pooja, who recently bought a luxurious property in Bandra, shared with IANS how she keeps cool during the intense Mumbai heat.

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The actress told IANS: "To beat the Mumbai heat, I like my shorts, baggy pants, and loose pants. I like to pair them with printed and cotton t-shirts."

Regarding footwear, Pooja said that she generally opts for light shoes for easy movement.

Pooja told IANS that she is a "Keds girl", and often chooses sneakers in the blistering heat of Mumbai.

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The actress said: "I get into my sneakers whenever I can, or flip-flops."

When asked for her summer fashion advice for young women, Pooja said: "I would suggest going with something which is comfortable and breathable fabric. Also, you should go with a top knot for the hair to get the heat off your neck in this season."

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