'Thank You God': Dwayne Johnson aka 'The Rock' after his mother survives car crash

03 February,2023 01:04 PM IST |  Los Angeles  |  IANS

Alongside the image of the destroyed red Cadillac, the star wrote: Thank you God. She`s ok. Angels of mercy watched over my mom as she was in a car crash late last night. She`ll survive and continue to get evaluated

Dwayne Johnson. Pic/AFP

Hollywood star Dwayne Johnson has revealed that his mum was involved in a scary road accident which left her car in a crumpled state.

The wrestler-turned-actor known as 'The Rock' posted the image of the messed-up car to his Instagram on Thursday, but thankfully told his 361 million followers that his mum Ata, 74, is okay, reports Mirror.co.uk.

Alongside the image of the destroyed red Cadillac, the star wrote: "Thank you God. She's ok. Angels of mercy watched over my mom as she was in a car crash late last night. She'll survive and continue to get evaluated."

As per Mirror.co.uk, he went on to list all she's survived in life so far, including lung cancer, a tough marriage, a head-on collision with a drunk driver and attempted suicide.

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He continued: "She's a survivor, in ways that make angels and miracles real. Thank you LAPD & LAFD for being so caring & focused. Thanks for staying on the phone and talking me through it all."

And in a touching message to his followers, he concluded: "I got one parent left, so if you still have your mom and dad make sure you hug 'em hard, because you never know when you'll get that 3 am call we never want to get."

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