Sophie Turner considered terminating pregnancy

17 May,2024 05:11 AM IST |  Los Angeles  |  Agencies

She said she threw the pregnancy test at Joe Jonas, asking, “What do you think we should do? Do you think we should have it?”

Sophie Turner

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Game of Thrones' star Sophie Turner revealed that she was not sure about stepping into motherhood in her early 20s and even considered terminating her first pregnancy. Turner spoke about how she considered not keeping the child and discussed the situation with her estranged husband, Joe Jonas.

In Bali, Turner found out she was pregnant and said that she sat on the news for a week. "Because I was young, I sat on it for a week," the actor told a British publication. She said she threw the pregnancy test at Joe Jonas, asking, "What do you think we should do? Do you think we should have it?"

Turner shared that she didn't know if she wanted to be a mother at the time and even spoke to therapists about her feelings. "When you're in your early 20s, life is so frivolous," she said. But after discussing it with Jonas, "something changed" in her. "I just knew I had to have [the child]," the Dark Phoenix star said.
Jonas and Turner welcomed their daughter, Willa, in 2020. Two years later, they had another daughter, Delphine.

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