Quentin Tarantino: Some films don’t exist in the zeitgeist

31 May,2023 07:53 AM IST |  Los Angeles  |  Agencies

Tarantino criticises artistes taking the digital route instead of giving audience the theatrical experience

Quentin Tarantino

Filmmaker Quentin Tarantino has previously said he plans to retire after his 10th film, but during a conversation at the Cannes Film Festival, he reiterated that The Movie Critic is his last, as "it's just time to go out", while streaming films are having their moment. "I like the idea of going out on top," he said, adding, "I like the idea of giving it my all for 30 years and then saying, ‘Okay, that's enough'. I don't like working to diminishing returns. I mean, now is a good time because what even is a motion picture anyway anymore? Is it just something that they show on Apple? That would be diminishing returns."

Tarantino said he sees a lot of movies after they "eventually get to television", but films should be released in theatres first, using Ryan Reynolds' partnership with Netflix as an example. "I'm not picking on anybody, but apparently for Netflix, Ryan Reynolds has made $50 million on this movie and $50 million on that movie. I don't know what any of those movies are. I've never seen them. Have you? Well, good for him that he's making so much money. But those movies don't exist in the zeitgeist. It's almost like they don't even exist," he added.

The script for The Movie Critic was ready in March, and Tarantino is set to begin directing in the fall. Details surrounding the upcoming film's premise and plot remain unclear, but according to reports, it is set in Los Angeles during the late 1970s and revolves around a female lead. "I'm probably going to be doing the movie with Sony because they're the last game in town that is just absolutely, utterly, committed to the theatrical experience. It's not about feeding their streaming network. They are committed to theatrical experience. They judge success by asses on seats. They judge success by the movies entering the zeitgeist, not just making a big expensive movie and then putting it on your streaming platform. No one even knows it's there."

While he said he is done with filmmaking, Tarantino said that he is still open to creating. "I could do a TV show. I didn't say I'm going to go into the night darkly. I could do a short film or a play. All kinds of things I could do, but I'll probably just be more of a writer," the Pulp Fiction director said.

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