'Euphoria' star Nika King says she hasn't 'paid rent in 6 months' amid season 3 delays

07 March,2024 12:04 PM IST |  Los Angeles  |  IANS

Nika King, who plays Zendaya`s mom on `Euphoria,` revealed that she hasn`t paid her rent in six months due to delays in season 3

Pic courtesy/ IMDb

Actress Nika King, who plays the mother to Zendaya's character Rue Bennett in ‘Euphoria', said that she has not paid her rent in six months as production for Season 3 of the series continues to be delayed.

King, who plays Leslie Bennett in the show, shared a clip of her stand-up comedy set where she talked about the series, reports deadline.com. "Please stop asking me about s3," read the video's caption on TikTok.

In the clip, King said, "Season 3 is coming out… I don't f'''ing know. Don't ask me. I don't know." King joked that while Zendaya was in Paris Fashion Week, she said, "Come home. I need you. Mama needs you." "Yall laughing, and I'm serious," King added.

She then said that she hadn't booked anything after being cast in ‘Euphoria', saying, "I thought my career was on the rise after Euphoria. I thought I was good. It don't work that way. I called Taraji and she was like… get used to it.'"

‘Euphoria' Season 3 has been delayed for an array of reasons, including scheduling, the Hollywood strikes, and Levinson's work on ‘The Idol'.' The writers of the show have started working on the scripts after the strike ended, however currently there's no production start date.

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