Chris Brown stuck mid-air amid gig

13 June,2024 07:17 PM IST |  Los Angeles  |  Agencies

At the end of the two-hour concert, he told the audience he was angry but also made light of the situation

Chris Brown

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Chris Brown had a mid-air mishap after he was caught suspended during a concert when the equipment supporting him malfunctioned. The Grammy-winning singer was performing in Newark when the incident happened, as per reports in The Hollywood Reporter.

An upset Brown signalled to tour workers to help him. Despite being stuck, he didn't stop singing and continued to perform. A ladder was subsequently brought to the stage to help Brown climb down and finish performing his set, though he exchanged words with one of the tour workers who helped bring the ladder over.

At the end of the two-hour concert, he told the audience he was angry but also made light of the situation.

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