Gurmeet Choudhary gets selected for National Sprinting Competition

13 June,2024 04:25 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  ANI

There`s some magic in the word commander itself. Nevertheless, I`m off to nationals--wish me luck! Jai Hind

Gurmeet Choudhary

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Actor Gurmeet Choudhary on Wednesday took to social media and shared that he has been selected for the National Sprinting Competition.

In an Instagram post, Gurmeet wrote, "Thrilled to share that I got selected for the national sprinting competition! While preparing for Commander Karan Saxena, I worked so hard, training morning, afternoon, and evening. Seeing the teaser on air now makes me feel proud of myself. It's all about hard work, dedication, and consistency. There's some magic in the word "commander" itself. Nevertheless, I'm off to nationals--wish me luck! Jai Hind."

He added, "Your unwavering support and belief in me have made this journey possible. I am truly grateful and excited for what's ahead!" Gurmeet also shared a video showcasing the physical training he underwent for his role in the new project 'Commander Karan Saxena'. Gurmeet also thanked his coach Sadashivji, Disney Plus Hotstar and the entire team of Commander Karan Saxena for having faith in him.

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