International Yoga Day 2024: The wellness practice helped actress Apoorva Arora relieve PCOD symptoms

21 June,2024 07:15 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  IANS

PCOD is a medical condition of hormonal imbalance that disrupts the normal fertility cycle in women.

Apoorva Arora

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Actress Apoorva Arora, who is known for her work in Hindi, Gujarati, Punjabi, and Kannada films, on Thursday shared how yoga has benefited her. On the eve of International Yoga Day (June 21), the actress told IANS that yoga has helped her relieve PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) related symptoms.

"Yoga has been crucial in my fitness journey. I've tried multiple forms of exercise but it turns out that yoga has been the most sustainable one for me. It has helped me relieve PCOD-related symptoms over the years and also helped heal old injuries, she told IANS.

PCOD is a medical condition of hormonal imbalance that disrupts the normal fertility cycle in women.

The actress said, "I've recently ventured into 'chakras' practice and while I'm still exploring this aspect, I feel there has definitely been a positive change. I recommend yoga to children and young adults who want to venture into performing arts or sports because it's a great base to have before you start any kind of training."

Recently, the actress attended the Adishakti workshop at Auroville, which, she said, gave her a deeper understanding of herself as an artiste.

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