Countdown starts for Sonakshi-Zaheer marriage: Sangeet to be held on June 19

11 June,2024 06:41 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  IANS

Actress Sonakshi Sinha and her beau Zaheer Iqbal are the latest couple in B-town to tie the knot

Zaheer Iqbal and Sonakshi Sinha

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Actress Sonakshi Sinha and her beau Zaheer Iqbal are the latest couple in B-town to tie the knot. Ahead of their wedding on June 23, the couple will have a Sangeet ceremony on June 19 in Mumbai.

According to unconfirmed reports, their Sangeet ceremony will be a close-knit affair and will be held on June 19 in Mumbai.

Sonakshi and Zaheer reportedly met at a party hosted by Salman Khan.

The two even worked together in the film ‘Double XL', which was released in 2022 and also starred Huma Qureshi.

Rumours of their relationship began circulating in 2022 when Zaheer Iqbal wrote "I love you" on social media, to which Sonakshi replied, "Love you."

The couple has reportedly been living together for a year and is set to make it official at their wedding venue, Bastian - At The Top, in the Dadar area of Mumbai.
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