Aayush Sharma checks in at Japanese retreat with family, says it's 'much-needed time off'

07 June,2024 07:12 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  IANS

His Japanese adventure began in Tokyo, the capital city which is known for its ultramodern skyline juxtaposed with historic temples

Aayush Sharma

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Bollywood actor Aayush Sharma, who was recently seen in the film ‘Ruslaan', is unwinding away from the hustle and bustle of Mumbai in Japan with his family. The actor is on a month-long vacation in the land of the rising sun.

His Japanese adventure began in Tokyo, the capital city which is known for its ultramodern skyline juxtaposed with historic temples. They visited the iconic Senso-ji Temple in Asakusa. The family also explored the bustling streets of Shibuya, and indulged in retail therapy in the upscale district of Ginza.

Next on their list is Kyoto, a city that embodies the soul of traditional Japan: the ancient temples, serene gardens, and picturesque tea houses. Aayush and his family are set to visit the stunning Fushimi Inari Shrine, famous for its thousands of red torii gates. They will also visit the Osaka Castle.

Sharma's sojourn in Japan is a cultural exploration as he told IANS: "This trip not only provided much-needed time off but also enriched my understanding of a culture vastly different from my own. I carry with me memories of a land that seamlessly blends tradition with modernity, and helps me have a deeper connection to the world beyond Bollywood."

The family will also travel to Hokkaido and the scenic town of Otaru. Aayush has had the time to go back to his love for photography during his trip to Japan, capturing the essence of its vibrant culture and stunning landscapes.

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